Goals and Objectives
Chaffee County experiences frequent high winds, dry conditions,
lightning storms, and heavy use of wildlands by residents and visitors
alike, which can all lead to destructive wildfires. The fire does
not have to be very large to cause significant damage.
This countywide plan is intended as a first step in the wildfire
mitigation planning process. The following are the broad goals
and specific objectives of the Chaffee County Community Wildfire
Protection Plan:
A. Planning and Collaboration
Goal: Create a “living” flexible
document that incorporates a multi-agency approach to planning.
The CWPP incorporates input from all the stakeholders in the
County. These include the local citizens, representatives from
selected subdivisions, the two Fire Protection Districts, as
well as the Federal Land Management Agencies (US Forest Service
and Bureau of Land Management), the Colorado State Forest Service,
and Chaffee County Government, Emergency Services, and Sheriff’s
Office. This collaboration will provide a multi-jurisdictional
approach to strategic planning, and improve fire suppression
and fuel treatment efficiencies on public and private lands.
It is an “umbrella plan,” encouraging local subdivisions
or communities to create their own site specific CWPP.
Specific objectives
- Review the CWPP every two years and make changes
as needed through consensus building process within the coalition.
- Evaluate the identified priority list at a minimum
of every five years, to ensure currency.
- Conduct quarterly meetings to monitor changing
circumstances, review progress,
and update the plan by adding any new subdivisions or landowners
B. Public Safety and Awareness
Goal: Promote and develop materials
and programs in prevention and education that improve community
wildfire awareness and safety.
The CWPP provides a forum for the coordination of public meetings,
discussion groups, and public information campaigns to create awareness
within Chaffee County about wildfire danger and to create action
to mitigate hazards on both public and private lands, and improve
prevention and preparedness.
Specific objectives
- Develop an initial assessment of subdivision risk
to catastrophic wildfire and preparedness for wildfire. Present
the assessment to the residents of Chaffee County through this
- Within three months of plan approval, create a
link to the Chaffee County website providing public access
to coalition progress, and information for developing local
community wildfire protection plans in their own neighborhood.
- Within three months of plan approval, distribute
copies of the CWPP and reference materials to libraries, post
offices, and fire stations.
- Promote the involvement
of communities and or landowners to become a part of the Chaffee
County CWPP by attending association meetings and public workshops
as requested.
- Provide information to individuals and homeowners
associations for creating defensible space and reducing the
susceptibility of structures to wildfire by identifying websites
and other sources in this document.
C. Fuels Reduction
Goal: Facilitate appropriate hazardous
fuel reduction by illustrating the areas of greatest wildfire
hazard and developing the highest priorities for fuels abatement
The CWPP displays the relative levels of wildfire hazard in the
County, both private and public, and selects the highest priority
areas for land management agencies to focus their fuels treatment
activities on public lands. Also, the identification of the highest
areas of concern will improve multi-jurisdictional pre-suppression
planning and facilitate the implementation of cross boundary projects.
Specific objectives
- Develop an initial county-wide assessment of wildfire
hazard on both public and private lands, and display that assessment
in this document.
- Provide a list of the three highest priority areas
within Chaffee County, to public land manager and
to the public. The goal will be to focus on these high
priority areas for fuel treatment projects, reducing the
wildland fire danger, and protecting life and property. Display
those priorities in this document.
- Hold 3 to 5 public meetings/year to gather
input from the stakeholders that are in the high priority
areas. At
the meetings identify action items for work to be done on private,
state or federal lands. In addition, provide justification
for those action items. Identify a point of contact or representative
for a community that wants work done.
- Revaluate those priorities, at least every 5 years,
or as project planning and implementation are completed on the
private and public lands.
- Provide support, through the coalition, to create
cooperative efforts across jurisdictional or ownership boundaries
on an ongoing basis as requested.